We are a team of researchers and developers for real life solutions.

Since our creation in 2024, we have taken research to new practical heights for public health.
Early Suicide Detection System (ESDS) for desktop and mobile devices offers healthcare providers and other stakeholders strategies for early suicide detection to potentially reduce the prevalence of suicide attempts.

Key Features
Increased Comfort Levels in Discussing Mental Health:
AI-driven and trending risk factors provide insights to increase health care providers’ (HCP) knowledge, thereby potentially increasing their comfort levels to discuss and assess their patients. This is important because physicians are “often the first step in a prescription that can lead to emotional health.
Smoother Referral Processes Between HCPs and Psychiatrists:
At the push of the button, physicians can refer patients for follow-up care with a mental health professional. Hospital management could also create new treatments, assessments, workflows, and business rules based on AI-driven suicidal risk factors which coincide with the mindset of adolescents in America.
Access to Relevant Trending Risk Factors:
Behavioral risk factors change over time for various reasons. ESDS provides a way for Health Care Professionals (HCPs) to be in touch with the needs of new generations of adolescents.
Health Care Providers (HCPs) Individualized Encounters:
Having multiple AI-generated risk factors available allows the physician or pediatrician to individualize their discussions with their patients. A list of 10 vs 3 behavioral risk factors increases the likelihood of an HCP finding a factor they know their patient would be more comfortable discussing.
Encounters Cont.
HCPs who establish rapport, obtain a detailed history, and are prepared to offer continuity of care are better situated to help a depressed adolescent than medication, hospitalization or psychiatric treatment (Tonkin, 1986; Ham et al., 2012). Referrals may be made when the patient is clearly suicidal or psychotic, if treatment by the HCP fails, or if the HCP does not want to treat the depressed patient (Allen, 1992).
ESDS features a gamification design:
ESDS makes learning and awareness fun, enhancing user engagement and retention. These tools ensure that patient encounters are more comfortable, easy, and seamless, delivering powerful and results-driven performance. Together, we can be the catalyst for reducing the prevalence of adolescent suicide attempts. Our developers have a deep understanding of the challenges and complexities physicians, educators, medical students, and parents face when assessing adolescence suicidality. That’s why we have developed ESDS, backed by peer-reviewed research and analysis. ESDS – a comprehensive and user-friendly solution tailored to meet your specific needs.

Thomas McCrae Osler
Last physician
Thomas McCrae Osler stated that more things are missed by not looking than by not knowing (Motto et al., 1958). Asking adolescents about suicidal thoughts, plans, and actions as early as possible may have life-saving effects. A body of research supports early detection and the important role of physicians in suicide prevention (Motto et al., 1958; Center et al., 2003; Bridge et al., 2006; Shain et al., 2016; DeCamp et al. 2021).
Founder & Researcher
Early Suicide Detection System (ESDS) for desktop and mobile devices offers healthcare providers and other stakeholders strategies for early suicide detection to potentially reduce the prevalence of suicide attempts.